Değil Hakkında Gerçekler bilinen C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

Değil Hakkında Gerçekler bilinen C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

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Note that the IsReadOnly flag comes from ICollection, and indicates whether items sevimli be added or removed from the collection; but just to really confuse things, it does not indicate whether they hayat be replaced, which in the case of Arrays (which return IsReadOnlys == true) sevimli be.

1 @supercat: What could ISortableList offer that's hamiş already in IList? Or, asked differently, why couldn't an IList be sorted in-place without re-adding the items by your imagined static method?

Also, it casts IList to IList which has the potential to be dangerous. In most cases that I have seen, List which implements IList is used behind the scenes to implement IList, but this is derece guaranteed and hayat lead to brittle code.

Eric LippertEric Lippert 656k182182 gold badges1.3k1.3k silver badges2.1k2.1k bronze badges 14 12 How do you know what the caller needs though. For instance I was switching one of my return types to a IList then I well I am probably just going to enumerate over them anyways lets just return an IEnumberable.

Kupkuru 4.6 (and it will likely be caught by the compiler). But there dirilik C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor be more insidious cases, such kakım passing a C# array kakım a IList. I am derece sure everyone is aware arrays implement IList, which means support for Add should not be assumed.

so its safety for you and freedom to the coder who is writing concrete implementation to change or add C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır more functionality to his concrete C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor class.

Bu şehir, istenmeyenleri azaltmak ciğerin Akismet kullanıyor. Tefsir verilerinizin nasıl konulendiği üzerine henüz bir araba haber edinin.

From my reading I think I could have used IEnumberable instead of IList since I am just looping through stuff.

In VS2008, when I click on the service reference and C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız select "Configure Service Reference", there is an option to choose how the client de-serializes lists returned from the service.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız system. For more information see: .

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The most important case for using interfaces over implementations is in the parameters to your API. If your API takes a List parameter, then anyone who uses it özgü to use List.

If you use a concrete implementation of list, another implementation of the same list will hamiş be supported by your code.

Encapsulation relies on telling clients birli little about the implementation of your class kakım possible. If you return a concrete List, you güç't then change to some other better type without forcing all of your clients to re-compile/update.

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